
Archive for May, 2011

More Applications of Natural Law to Human Life

May 28, 2011 Leave a comment

Well,  that was a lot longer hiatus than I intended.  I got really busy at work and could not find the time to work on this treatise about Natural Law and Basic Principles.  But I can’t let it lapse any longer.  So, here goes.

Having said in other posts that Natural Law would show that all human beings are equal in thay they given life and the ability to reason, it does not say that all human beings are alike in every way.  Having been engaged in scientific research and engineering most of my life, I have become aware of the progress that has been made by Quantum Physicists in developing a Unified Field Theory.  This theory leads us to believe that, at the most fundamental level of existence, we are ALL ONE.  Listen as Dr. John Hegelin explains:

So we are all ONE, united through the fundamental nature of existence.  (And not just HUMAN existence..all existence!)  But as we manifest ourselfes as human beings, we are all individuals…unique individuals…with unique characteristics, unique desires, unique situations, etc.

Since I am unique, and have the natural characteristics of humanity, I can say that I OWN myself.  I own my body, my mind, and, therefore at any given instant, the space which I occupy.  Thus, we begin to see the beginning of Natural Rights.  If I own my body and my mind, I have the natural right of that ownership.  You, as a fellow human being, are also the owner of your body and mind, and have the Natural Right of that ownership.  This, even though we are all ONE at the most fundamental level of existence.

Think about the implications of that concept.  I’ll see you next post