
Posts Tagged ‘self-determination’

About This Blog

January 30, 2011 Leave a comment

Hello, and welcome to my blog.

I have some thoughts about life that I’ve gleaned and filtered from many sources and I want to pass them on to you.  I believe in individual freedom and self-determination. The inspiration for this blog is my conclusion that most of us have been conducting our lives by following rules, restrictions, and permissions determined by others.  Usually, those rules were applied without an explanation of the fundamental principles on which they were based.

As a professional engineer who has studied science well into quantum mechanics, I used to quote Einstein’s equation, E = mc2, and jokingly say, “If you know that, you can derive everything else.” I hope that by presenting a set of fundamental principles, we can then use those principles to derive the right course of action in most, or even all, circumstances.

It’s a big task, I know. I don’t for a moment think I have all the answers. But if I can start you thinking seriously about those principles, and discuss them with me, then I believe that together we can make some important improvements in the world.